Thursday, November 12, 2015

Just Begin

Today I was listening to Rich Roll's podcast Stop Asking for Permission and the mental challenge of bringing about change in our lives and he said just begin by taking one small action every day.  

When people start to contemplate a new path for their lives, whether it's a different career or perhaps entertaining an athletic goal or a creative goal or something like that, fear starts to creep in because it's an unknown and it's scary...and that keeps people stuck.

This really struck a cord with me because lately I've been struggling managing my diabetes and I just feel stagnant. In fact I feel like every week I'm cycling between falling off the wagon and beginning again and again. It gets me down and I feel like my commitment to overhauling my diet and my mindset has not truly yet begun and I want to get to the point where I can push through uncomfortable moments and come out the other side. Do you ever feel this way?

A couple weeks ago I checked my HbA1c, which measures your average blood sugar levels over a period of 2-3 months, and they were not exactly stellar. I improved a little, but not as much as I'd hoped. My bloods were 6.5 in June and now they are 6.4, but the goal is below 5.6. Arg. I wrote to the Doc and shared my frustrations with myself and he sent me this:

There is no one to blame here, especially not yourself. Remember the universal law of praise, what we praise increases. I want you to acknowledge yourself for all the great work you are doing and keep your intention on your desired outcome. 

So with that I'm trying to be positive and once again, beginning again. In the next few weeks there will be a new and positive shift in our lives and things will be on the up and up. I can't wait and look forward to focusing my time on getting this diabetes under control and writing. 

Lots of Love,

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